The Travel 2020 Exhibition: A showcase for innovation and an excellent networking opportunity |
Travel 2020 has become the UK's premier event where key buyers and top decision makers learn more about how the industry's biggest challenges are being addressed by smarter travel solutions
Solutions which:
- Improve customer experience
- Optimise capacity, assets and infrastructure
- Improve operational efficiency
- Reduce environmental impact
- Assure safety and security
The exhibition provides:
- Chance to see and try out the latest technologies
- Opportunity to Network with the conference speakers and delegates
- Opportunity to meet potential new suppliers and clients
- Knowledge sharing and best practice dissemination
- Chance to keep abreast of advancements and innovation within the passenger transport industry
The exhibition is free to attend if registered in advance |
The Travel 2020 Exhibition, is a showcase of solutions that provide public transport customers with real time information and ticket sales whatever their location and through a wide variety of media.
In 2010 ACIS, YouTextus, and ITS exhibited personalised information services which enable passengers to plan their journeys according to latest real time information both on PCs and on the move via mobile handsets. Facilities for journey planning at bus stops via interactive touchscreen kiosks were shown by RSL.
Other exhibitors in the ITS field included Moviken, Mobisoft, INIT, Hanover, Infotec, Trapeze, Hogia and Connexions enabling visitors to see the complete chain of technology from monitoring vehicles' location to displaying public transport information at rail stations, bus stops and on vehicles, as well as via PCs and mobile phones. |
Network control and data management to aid efficient and effective scheduling was also exhibited by several of these firms plus Logical Transport and PSI, while parking control software was demonstrated by APT Skidata. The wireless infrastructure which enables transport companies to send mobile updates was exhibited by Now Wireless.
Secure online and mobile payment technology was represented by Realex, Concept Data Technologies/Datacash and Voice Commerce Group while Masabi featured its new m-ticketing solution for the rail industry which will enable passengers to beat queues by purchasing on their way to or at the station. Companies showing smartcard ticketing systems and management services included ERG and Journeycall/ESP Systex, while the emerging option of contactless bankcards was demonstrated by Barclaycard.
Exhibitors and delegates gave highly positive feedback about the quality of useful business contacts they made as a result of the networking opportunities presented by the Travel 2020 exhibition in 2010 |
Exhibitors from the 2010 included... |
Travel Information, E-Ticketing, Application Development, Passenger Management and Smarter Travel