Why attend Space & Place?
Space & Place has been designed to bring together professionals, campaigners and stakeholders who are committed to making urban centres more attractive places to live, work and visit. The sessions will showcase how imaginative and active consultation can provide communities with the ability to reshape their locales.
Besides the seminar check out the Street Transformation Zone, which showcases ideas such as Sustrans' street kit, an innovative approach to creating temporary mock-ups so that communities can visualise new street designs and positively influence the design process.
The programme has been devised by Deniz Huseyin, editor of Get Britain Cycling, Mark Moran, editor of Parking Review, and Juliana O'Rourke, editor of RUDI.net.
This event has been recognised as continuing professional development as it conforms to the Institute of Place Management's quality standards. Members and non-members attending the event will be awarded 350 CPD points.
Who should attend
The day will be of value to people working in the fields of:
urban design
travel planning
promoting, designing and managing cycling infrastructure
promoting designing and managing walking
transport planning
car clubs and car sharing
transport planning consultancy
road safety
Safer Routes to School
data collection
transport and planning modelling
street management
traffic management
parking scheme design and management
passenger transport
public health
town centre management
transport planning
travel information provision