Open Data Award
Universities of Cambridge, Leeds, and Westminster - Propensity to Cycle Tool
The Propensity to Cycle Tool (PCT) is a free, open-source tool for transport planning, with a focus on strategic cycleway network planning. It enables users to envision scenarios of 'cycling futures', at area, desire line, route and route network levels. The PCT uses innovative open source technology to present the results in a free, publicly available web application, and provides open access data downloads. The PCT has continuously evolved over the last three years to cover Wales, a school travel layer, and updates to the underlying route data.
Highly Commended:
Transport for London - Cycle Infrastructure Database
London’s new Cycling Infrastructure Database (CID) - the world’s largest and most comprehensive database of cycling infrastructure - is intended to address our customers' barriers to cycling by providing open data to drive forward the development of products to help Londoners with clear and accurate information about cycling infrastructure, helping them plan cycle journeys with confidence. The CID is a core part of the TFL Cycling Action Plan, which sets out how TfL, boroughs and others will work together to make London the world’s best big city for cycling, and it will help deliver Vision Zero.
City Region Award
The City Region Award recognises city regions which are achieving connected, seamless and easy to use multi-modal urban mobility though solutions enabled by combining transport and technology.
Oxfordshire County Council - I-Hub Innovation Team: Supporting a Smarter Oxfordshire
For the last 6 years the IHUB team has supported, delivered and deployed mobility & innovation projects as part of Oxfordshire County Council. The team has developed a significant local, regional, national and international network of business, academic and public sector partner organisations.
The team has grown by 500% over the last 5 years, without an increase in core OCC budget, leveraging EU & UKRI funding to deliver tangible benefit to the region and inward investment whilst improving OCC's operational delivery. With a combined project portfolio value of more than £100M, the IHUB continues to grow, moving into new areas of delivery, such as energy, adult and social care, planning and infrastructure. Our approach to this has been to leverage experience with emerging technologies in disparate sectors to cross pollinate, driving efficiencies through design thinking and application.
The service has built up a unique CAV expertise, focused on supporting safe trielling of technology and knowledge exchange to make Oxfordshire and the UK ready for CAV, this approach has been integral to making Oxfordshire the heart of the UK's emerging CAV sector with strong links to our CAV companies in Oxfordshire, such as Oxbotica, Street Drone, Arrival, ORI and RACE Culham.
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