How to enter... Entry deadline now extended until Friday 31 August 2018




1. Read the Smarter Travel Awards 2018 Entry Criteria.

The criteria explains what the Panel will be looking for and contains a detailed description of each category.

2. Choose the category you wish to enter.

We want to keep it simple. Some of your work will straddle more than one Award, but nonetheless please choose one category for each application. An organisation or business is welcome to submit more than one application.

Note the detailed criteria for your Award, here on the website and repeated in the criteria.

3. Prepare your application

Please avoid repetition and make sure you stick to the word limits. The application form is straightforward:

  • Smarter Travel Awards Category

  • Title (of your project, service or scheme)

  • Description (no more than 1,000 words)

  • Outcomes and impact (no more than 300 words)

  • Evidence (list of supporting material, to be submitted by e-mail - see below).

  • Contact details (name, position, organisation, address, landline, mobile, email).







4. Ideally, get the formal endorsement of your organisation or company.

It would help your awards nomination  if you were able to ask your organisation or company to formally endorse the application, with a letter of support signed by a senior person, such as the chief executive, managing director or local authority cabinet member.

5. Submit your application by Friday 31 August 2018.

Submit your entry online, then email any supporting material to 

 with "Awards: [Title of Project/Nominee] - [Award Category]" in the subject line.

Relevant supporting material will include:

  • Monitoring and evaluation data and analysis that demonstrates the outcomes and impact to which you refer in your application.

  • Photographs, videos, leaflets and campaign material which will help the Panel understand the application.


6. Celebrate at Smarter Travel LIVE! in Liverpool on 16 October!

Don't forget to book your placeThe winners will be announced on 16 October 2018 during the first day of Smarter Travel LIVE! 2018.





Any questions?

If you have any queries about the Awards process or the categories, please email: 


Alternatively, please call 020 7091 7865, to talk with the Smarter Travel Awards team.


Smarter Travel Awards 2018 Sponsors:

Mott MacDonald YourBike Innovate UK Transport Systems Catapult Merseytravel



Delegate & Logistics Enquiries: | 020 7091 7865
Sponsorship & Exhibiting Enquiries: | 020 7091 7861
©Landor LINKS 2018| #smartertravellive


Sponsored by:

Mott MacDonald
Innovate UK
Arriva Click
Transport Systems Catapult
Your Bike
Smarter Travel LIVE! 2018
Smarter Travel LIVE! 2018
Finalists from 2015

How to enter

Smarter Travel Awards 2018

16-17 October 2018
Exhibition Centre, Liverpool

Organised by:

Liverpool City Region

Hosted by:

Milton Keynes Council