1. Best Healthy Streets Innovation Award
Sponsored by Project Centre
The Best Innovation in Healthy Streets Award can include technology innovations such as air quality improvement solutions e.g. green walls and infra, active travel infrastructure, such as bike parking and cycle schemes. The Innovation award can also include original ideas in engineering and street design, which are not always considered ‘technology’ based innovations.
Entry Criteria:
The judges will be looking for the following to be included in your submission:
Purpose of the innovation / technique – safety, engineering, way finding, promotion etc.
How has it been implemented?
What was the overall budget and what outputs have been delivered to date?
Cost-benefits – Any quantifiable evidence of how much was spent and what outcomes delivered to show value for money
Opportunity to introduce elsewhere – demonstrate how the innovations can be replicated
Evidence of influencing travel behaviour and modal share
Innovation – is this an entirely new approach or adapted from elsewhere?
2. Best Healthy Streets Behaviour Change Initiatives Award
This award recognises marketing campaigns that engage with their target audiences, have a measurable impact, are replicable elsewhere and are great value for money. They can be single medium or multi-channel. The key question will be: does it work well?
Entry Criteria:
The target group for your marketing campaign and how you tailored the campaign to meet their needs
The level of engagement and results you achieved, such as how many people you reached, follow-up contact, social media traffic and levels of behaviour change achieved
Campaign spend and resourcing, including cost per head, benefits to the user and to other stakeholders, such as local authority, an employer, the NHS and so on
3. Healthy Streets Champion Award
This award is for the individual who has made an outstanding personal contribution to Healthy Streets. This can be a politician, business leaders, academics, local advocates for active travel and media and sport personalities that have pushed the agenda forward.
Entry Criteria:
Name and role of nominee
Achievement in making health-friendly communities
Examples of the nominee doing outstanding things for public health
Commitment to the cause
Testimonials illustrating a high level of respect, influence and outcomes
4. Best Shared Transport Award
The Shared transport award seeks applicants who deliver active mobility solutions such new bus or tram services, mobility hubs, bike share and scooters.
Entry Criteria:
Details of the service including start date, region it covers, number of users etc
How has it been implemented?
How many users are now using the service, modal share, expansion plans
Opportunity to introduce elsewhere – is the service flexible enough to be used elsewhere
Evidence of influencing travel behaviour and modal share
Client and council testimonials about the service
Any other video or photgraphic supporting evidence
5. The Healthy Streets Community Project of the Year
The Healthy Streets Community Project of the Year award will seek applicants from community-led projects where a small change has made a big difference.
Entry Criteria:
The judges would like to see submissions where a community lead effort has improved a residential street or area.
Purpose of the project e.g. traffic calming, safety etc
How has it been implemented? How was the community involved?
What was the overall budget and what outputs have been delivered to date?
Photographic or video evidence of the project
Evidence of influencing travel behaviour, modal share, air quality etc
Testimonial comments from residents and other stakeholders about this project
6. The Healthy Streets Proposal of the Year Award
This award will recognise the Healthy Streets Proposal of the Year, considering all of the Healthy Streets indicators including: street design, access, active travel choices, safety, improved air quality and livability. Abstracts should demonstrate the biggest impacts of both soft and hard measures.
Entry Criteria:
A summary of the objectives for the street noting active travel, air quality, modal share, businesses, residents etc
Summary of what projects will be implemented to achieve the objectives
Overview of the baseline – what is the current position?
How will it be implemented?
What is the overall budget and what the expected outputs and outcomes?
Cost-benefits – Please supply any details you can on the proposal value for money
7. The Healthy Street of the Year Award
Sponsored by: Civic Engineers
The Healthy Street of the Year Award seeks applicants from those that have already carried out a street redesign and the scheme has been built and delivered.
Entry Criteria:
A summary of the objectives for the street noting active travel, air quality, modal share, businesses, residents etc
Summary of what projects will be implemented to achieve the objectives
Overview of the baseline – what is the current position?
How will it be implemented?
What is the overall budget and what the expected outputs and outcomes?
Cost-benefits – Please supply any details you can on the proposal value for money
8. Best Tactical Urbanism Award
The judges would like to see submission examples of small changes, that make a big difference in Healthy Streets.
Entry criteria:
Purpose of the project e.g. traffic calming, safety etc
How has it been implemented?
What was the overall budget and what outputs have been delivered to date?
Photographic or video evidence of the project
Evidence of influencing travel behaviour, modal share, air quality etc
Testimonial comments from residents and other stakeholders about this project
9. Best Healthy Streets Business Improvement District Project
The business improvement district award seeks applicants who have encouraged active travel and created healthy streets through creative approaches. Effective marketing, business engagement and tactical urbanism approaches are all valid.
Entry Criteria:
Purpose of the project e.g. community, safety, engineering, way finding, promotion etc.
How has it been implemented?
What was the overall budget and what outputs have been delivered to date?
Photographic or video evidence of the project
Evidence of influencing travel behaviour, modal share, air quality etc
10. Best Healthy Streets Photo of the Year Award
Entry Criteria:
Please submit your Healthy Streets Photo of the year on Twitter by using #HealthyStreetsPic2019 and make sure you @TransportXtra
Please submit one photo per tweet and tell us where it is.
By entering you agree that Landor LINKS and partners can use your image (with credit)
Photographs can also be entered via email by sending to daniel@landor.co.uk with #HealthyStreetsPic2019 in the subject line
11. The Ben Hamilton Baillie Award
The Ben Hamilton Baillie award seeks applicants who have challenged the industry and orchestrated significant change for the benefit of both people and places. This is a lifetime achievement award honouring the legendary street designer.
Entry Criteria:
Name and role of nominee
Achievement in making significant change for benefit of both people and places
Commitment to the cause
Testimonials illustrating a high level of respect, influence and outcomes