2. Best Healthy Streets Behaviour Change Initiatives Award
This award recognises marketing campaigns that engage with their target audiences, have a measurable impact, are replicable elsewhere and are great value for money. They can be single medium or multi-channel. The key question will be: does it work well?
London Borough of
Waltham Forest
Complementary Measures
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3. Healthy Streets Champion Award
This award is for the individual who has made an outstanding personal contribution to Healthy Streets. This can be a politician, business leaders, academics, local advocates for active travel and media and sport personalities that have pushed the agenda forward.
Sponsored by: Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme
Iain Simmons
Assistant Director (City Transportation)
City of London
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4. The Healthy Streets Community Project of the Year
New for 2018, the Healthy Streets Community Project of the Year award will seek applicants from community-led projects where a small change has made a big difference.
Sponsored by: Commonplace
London Borough of Southwark
Tranquil Triangle
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5. The Healthy Streets Proposal of the Year Award
This award will recognise the Healthy Streets Proposal of the Year, considering all of the Healthy Streets indicators including: street design, access, active travel choices, safety, improved air quality and livability. Abstracts should demonstrate the biggest impacts of both soft and hard measures.
Sponsored by: Urban Movement
Salford Council
Chapel Street East Phase 1
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6. The Healthy Street of the Year Award
New for 2018, the Healthy Street of the Year Award will seek applicants from those that have already carried out a street redesign and the scheme has been built and delivered.
Sponsored by: The Urban Transport Group
London Borough of Waltham Forest
Francis Road
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7. Best Policing / Enforcement Initiative Award
The judges would like to see submission examples of effective policing and enforcement schemes that relate to Healthy Streets.
Hackney Council
Innovative Traffic Restrictions – School Streets & ULEV Streets
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