Press information and downloads

Download logos and read more about Smarter Tomorrow here. For further information about Smarter Tomorrow please contact Daniel Simpson on 020 7091 7861 or email 


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In the press


Smarter Tomorrow 2019 Logo

Smarter Tomorrow logos are available in various sizes of JPG, Transparent PNG's and full print-ready EPS files.

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If the file format you require is not within this file, please contact 


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Right-click and save image as to save to your computer, then in Outlook, edit signatures and insert the image. The image should link to

Email Sig Plain 250x150

For further information, please contact our editorial coordinator for Smarter Tomorrow 

 on 020 7091 7872.

Panel 350x240
Sig 350x75
Email Sig 400x100
Smarter Tomorrow





IM23 IM23
SP Energy Networks
SP Enenrgy Networks
EA Technology PTV Group
Smarter Grid Solutions

Host and supporters:

Liverpool City Region
Liverpool City Region Liverpool City Region
The Department for Transport
Liverpool City Region MEP
SNC Lavalin Atkins Mott MacDonald

Media Partners:

Local Transport Today
Parking Review




Delegate & Logistics Enquiries: | 020 7091 7865
Sponsorship & Exhibiting Enquiries: | 020 7091 7861
©Landor LINKS 2019| #smartertomorrow

Smarter Tomorrow
SP Energy Networks

Sponsored by:

Forty Two.
EA Technology
PTV Group

23-24 October 2019
Exhibition Centre, Liverpool

Organised by:

Landor LINKS
Liverpool City Region

Hosted by:

Milton Keynes Council
Liverpool City Region Liverpool City Region