Why Exhibit?


The recognition of benefits from setting such a standard now goes far beyond road danger reduction to include a more attractive public realm, public health, active travel, noise and emission reduction, traffic reduction, etc. and are complementary to so many other public realm interventions. This is also being adopted around the world in the form of a 30kmh limit for urban and community spaces and as an essential element in a "safe system" approach to road safety.

By exhibiting at this year's 20’s Plenty for the 2020's you will meet with highways officers, transport planners, road safety and road danger reduction professionals, local councillors, public health officers and key service providers who are tasked with improving road safety, reducing emissions, traffic reduction, and implementing and enforcing 20mph zones across the UK.

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Delegate & Logistics Enquiries: conferences@landor.co.uk | 020 7091 7865
Sponsorship & Exhibiting Enquiries: jason@landor.co.uk | 020 7091 7895

©Landor LINKS

Landor LINKS: We connect.

20's Plenty for the 2020's

31 October 2019

Waltham Forest Town Hall, Walthamstow, London

@0's Plenty for Wales
Landor LINKS: We connect

Organised by:

Hosted by:

Cardiff Council

Sponsored by:

Cardiff Council Landor LINKS Local Transport Today Local Transport Today Jobs-in-Transport.com