Transforming Cities Leicester: a blueprint for city success
Successful city regeneration projects offer diversity and lots of possibilities for human interaction and transaction in a high quality, activity-friendly public realm; a mixture of night-time and daytime uses, retail, commercial, educational, residential and community amenities, all served by accessible and connected transport infrastructure. This involves insights from professionals from many disciplines – but all are united by their commitment, passion and drive for positive change.
If you work in active travel or transport:
Transport is not an end in itself, but is one of a combination of factors contributing to sustainable economic growth. Expert speakers will outline how transport plans, including input from regeneration, infrastructure planning and development, are delivering better environments:
understand how cities have successfully planned for people not cars
develop and deliver a strategy to sustain long-term investments across the public realm
increase bus patronage and cycling and reduce road accident casualties
see how Leicester has lessened road dominance and is creating an attractive, pedestrian-friendly environment
hear how to link together and showcase unique heritage, retail, leisure and cultural assets to revitalise tourism income
hear best practice in demonstrating the vital role of a high quality and active public realm
understand how to use Transforming Cities and other funds to create connected communities
relieve pressure on roads by boosting active travel and public transport
learn form cities that are pioneering congestion and pollution reduction
If you're a spatial or urban planner, a masterplanner or a developer
Successful city regeneration involves stakeholders getting behind a vision that tells the city’s special story. Expert speakers will show how delivering physical interventions supports this vision and makes it reality, including:
using public realm improvements to attract businesses investment and retain residents
kickstarting major regeneration using seed capital funding
staying unique: avoiding generic regeneration by creating a city narrative
building town & gown partnerships: universities are helping to re-shaping city public realm
creating stakeholder buy-in to incremental change across regeneration zones
lessening road dominance and creating healthy, active travel-friendly environments
following a vision: improving connections between key city hubs, assets and amenities
If you work in the visitor economy, tourism and the travel trade:
Tourism is a key element of many city regeneration plans: Leicester’s tourism income, for example, is projected to increase to £590 million by 2020. Hear expert speakers outline how this is being achieved by:
understanding the link between development and conservation, and avoiding generic regeneration
following a vision: improving connections between key city hubs, assets and amenities
creating a connected and welcoming public realm that is easy to navigate and visit
avoiding congestion and car domination by providing better city gateways, coach drop off, pick up and suitable parking facilities
providing a safe, secure and clean environment through ‘Legible Leicester’ and ‘Connecting Leicester’ strategies
using tourism as a driver to align key city and regional stakeholders behind a common growth vision
supporting retail reinvigoration at all scales, on-street and off-street
lessening road dominance and creating healthy, active travel-friendly environments
This new event will outline how cities across the UK, including Leicester, are revitalising and investing in their local assets – be that communities, waterfronts or heritage – to create attractive and functional city centres for all. Expert speakers from successful regeneration projects will showcase best practice in:
Rediscovering hidden waterfronts and heritage assets
Town & gown partnerships: collaborative working
The visitor economy: improving sustainable access
Innovation in placemaking: smart city tools and initiatives
Retail reinvigoration: on-street and off-street
Achieving community buy-in and incremental change: street by street, shop by shop
The key role of a high quality and active public realm
Our key aim is to facilitate knowledge-sharing, and our primary target audience is key decision makers within national, regional and local councils; councillors, developers, land owners, house builders, investors and urban and transport professionals. The event will also bring together creative thinkers and doers, policymakers, designers and socially active citizens.
Explore new ideas, new thinking and meet new people to support you taking the next steps towards regenerating your city.