Smarter Travel LIVE! brings together an extensive community of associations, media partners, NGOs, research insitutes, lobby groups, universities andf think tanks.
Partnering provides a number of benefits and guarentees a high profile positioning of your organisation at this major industry event.
Please get in touch to discuss how we can collaborate and work together.
Smarter Travel LIVE! will provide:
Your organisation listed as ‘Event Partner’ on website and all associated marketing materials (logo and listing, where available)
Logo and organisation listing on the website
One free delegate place
25% discount on delegate bookings for your members with a unique discount code for your organisation
Promotion of your partnership advertised across all our media channels, including print, online and social media
In exchange, Smarter Travel LIVE! ask that you provide:
Smarter Travel LIVE! 2018 included in your events listing on your website and newsletter
Banner or button advertisement for Smarter Travel LIVE! on your website’s homepage
Promotion via social media, including Twitter and LinkedIn, referencing #smartertravellive18
An opportunity to post a press release about the conference on your website and/or newsletter
All partnerships are open to negotiation. Please contact for more information.