Choose from 30 of the innovative projects and initiatives driving smarter mobility in the UK and Europe...

Speed Learning is a highly-popular 1.75 hour session providing a fast-moving discussion platform for knowledge-sharing and helping teams to network.

The case studies are presented simultaneously at ‘bar tables’ in 7 x 15 minute sessions, with 2 minute change-over time. A horn will be sounded when it is time to move to the next table.



Choose 7 from the following 30 Case Studies...

1. Four-step CAV road design strategy

2. Monitoring bike parking numbers

3. Combining cargo bikes and computational intelligence

4. A behavioural science analysis of adult pedestrian safety

5.  Effective partnership working to drive down KSIs

6. Early measures and behavioural change to tackle poor air quality

7. Incentives to encourage active travel

8. Unblinding the blind spot

9.  Visualising and analysing travel data: SMASH platform

10. DataFloow: A smarter understanding of mobility

11. Improving air quality: emissions-based parking

12. MyJrny: Intelligent infrastructure for Mobility-as-a-Service

13. Love to Ride

14. How data is driving tomorrow’s world, today

15. Using Bluetooth and smartphones for accessing new forms of transport

16. The ride-sharing app reinventing daily commutes

17. More than a Car Club: a management platform

18. Faster, further, freer, funner: FREEBIKE

19. E-mobility hubs

20. Transport Data Initiative

21. Traveline Open Data

22. Cargo and e-Cargo bike opportunities

23. IM 23

24. Understanding the invisible cyclist

25. Sensor City: bringing ideas to reality

26. Using the strength of mobile date to keep the M25 moving

27. Behaviour change: maximising the value of car club/pool car solutions

28. Unblocking the supply chain

29. Operating a bike share scheme within a Council

30. Transport Data Initiative 'workshop'



Four-step CAV road design strategy

The proposal is to develop a four-step road design strategy towards for highway design which accommodates an increasing level of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) from current day to 2050, maximising the benefits this technology can bring to the UK road network over the next 30 years. From this a set of streetscape designs will be provided for four future year scenarios from 2020 to 2050. We will be partnering with DG Cities and basing these iterative designs on one representative urban road section in the Royal Borough of Greenwich forming part the smart mobility living lab; London. The global CAV test bed centre delivering the future of transport.

Nicholas Ruxton-Boyle, Technical Director, Project Centre




Monitoring bike parking numbers

This talk will look at bike monitoring in hubs and other cycle parking areas, and at how the information can be used to inform cyclists of the best place for them to park via illuminated signs located along cycle highways and / or via an app. The information can be used by those who manage cycle parking to ascertain flow rates, busiest times, duration of stays and any abandoned bikes. This information can be used to encourage pop up facilities next to the hubs e.g. mobile coffee stand and bike servicing and to feed back to funders on the (growing) popularity of the facility. The information can be used by transport planners and modellers as it is secure and in real-time. The system is in use already in the UK at 4 locations, rising to 6 by the time of the conference.

Chris Tsielepi, Relationship Manager, Cyclepods



Combining cargo bikes and computational intelligence

As efficiency and sustainability become increasingly more important, more and more businesses use cargo bikes as a viable alternative to motorised vehicles. In Liverpool, organisations including Peloton, Bite Club, and Liverpool John Moores University are pioneering cargo bike delivery using novel concepts such as computational intelligence and ICT technologies to offer cargo bike services the ability to operate at multiple levels of service: on-demand point-to-point delivery; last-mile/first-mile collection/delivery, and train-bike delivery.

Trung Thanh Nguyen, Reader in Operational Research, Liverpool John Moores University





A behavioural science analysis of adult pedestrian safety

Liverpool currently holds the highest adult pedestrian casualty rates outside of London.  There is no obvious explanation as to why figures are so high or, until now, any consensus view as to the most effective ways to address this. 

For the last 10 years Merseyside Road Safety Partnership has favoured an approach based on education, engagement and enforcement, with limited results.  Our research demonstrates that adult pedestrians are much more aware of the different road dangers than they are given credit for, and yet they still choose to adopt unsafe behaviours. 

If we accept this to be the case, then we have to question the long-term usefulness of interventions, which are solely based on the 3Es. This presentation demonstrates how Nudge theory (a concept underpinned by behavioural science and neuroscience) is being used in Liverpool to tackle this issue. 

Nicola Wass CEO, So-Mo, & Phil Rigby, Strategy and Relationships So-Mo



Effective partnership working to drive down KSIs

The Merseyside Road Safety Partnership's vision is to reduce the numbers of those killed and seriously injured to fewer than 400 by 2020, with the ultimate vision of a future where no-one is killed on Merseyside’s roads and the injury rate is reduced. Many professional and voluntary bodies on Merseyside devote time and energy trying to prevent people being killed and seriously injured on our roads. The Merseyside Road Safety Partnership brings together those who design roads, road safety professionals and the organisations that deal with the results of road collisions. 

Rebecca Power, Coordinator, Merseyside Road Safety Partnership & Jayne Eaton, Manager of the Safer Roads Unit, Merseyside Police






Early measures and behavioural change to tackle poor air quality 

This session will provide an insight into how Coventry’s N02 Reduction Early Measures Programme has delivered a package of complementary measures along an important transport corridor in the city. This corridor presents real air quality challenges as sections regularly exceed the healthy N02 levels set out in Coventry’s Air Quality Plan. Coventry City Council, working with Atkins, have developed a scheme designed to comply with NO2 concentration limits in the shortest possible time. 

Anthony Jones, Senior Transport Consultant, SNC-Lavalin Atkins and Richard Smith, Coventry City Council



Incentives to encourage active travel

BetterPoints is an evidence-led health, sustainability and social behaviour change technology company. We ran an EMPOWER project funded work in Bologna, Italy, in partnership with local mobility authority, SRM. The six-month Bella Mossa programme aimed to reduce single-occupancy car journeys and increase active travel using incentives to create positive behaviour change. The aim was to reduce congestion, improve air quality and encourage healthy activity and wellbeing within the city. Of the 667 participants who identified themselves as ‘everyday’ car users, 596 or 89% demonstrated some level of behaviour change by tracking sustainable or active travel behaviour. A new phase of the project began in April 2018, and the talk will focus on these second year reflections: what has changed, and what were the outcomes?

Christopher Bristow, COO, BetterPoints



Laserlight technology: keeping cyclists safer

A Transport Research Laboratory report showed that the Laserlight projection can help a cyclist achieve up to 97% visibility in the blind spot of vehicles when cycling in the dark. Beryl has recently launched its latest edition on Kickstarter, with flagship safety features and a newer sleeker design.

Sarah Barnes, Mobility Solutions Expert, beryl



Visualising and analysing travel data: SMASH platform

SMASH is a data platform for analysing and visualising GPS-based data to develop insight around sustainable mobility. Using data that tracks individuals’ end-to-end journeys and transport assets (such as buses, shared bikes, car club vehicles), the platform can provide insight into a myriad of issues to help transport planners improve provision for sustainable transport, such as identifying preferred routes, journey speeds and delays, routes people take to access buses or car club vehicles etc. etc. The speed learning session will introduce the platform and demonstrate visualisations and data analysis it can perform before inviting participants to identify the functionalities they would like to see the platform provide.
Martin Higgitt, Director, Martin Higgitt Associates



DataFloow: A smarter understanding of mobility

Congestion, pollution and economic optimisation are the major problems sought to be tackled by traffic managers. Practical, real-world solutions are traditionally supported by data obtained by monitoring roads.  We posit that monitoring vehicles, rather than roads, is the best way to achieve a comprehensive understanding of urban mobility.  This talk will detail a new product developed by The Floow under the Seta project, DataFloow; a comprehensive knowledge of driving behaviour over all UK roads obtained by re-purposing insurance telematics data.

Dr Mark Burke, Data Research Scientist, The Floow



Improving air quality: emissions-based parking

RingGo’s Emissions Based Parking (EBP) is improving air quality with no complex or costly infrastructure or administration. Implemented by four local authorities so far, this world-leading solution enables local authorities to adjust parking tariffs depending on the type of vehicle being driven. It’s already working. Sixteen per cent fewer old diesels are parking in Marylebone since the scheme was implemented last year, and Westminster Council estimates that 250,000 less journeys per annum will be made with full roll-out of the scheme.

Chris Head, Account Manager, RingGo



MyJrny: Intelligent infrastructure for Mobility-as-a-Service

Multimodal real time transit network data is matched against a unique tailored individual customer experience to better match their individual requirements, offering guidance in regards to what service best suits them, allowing for a better customer experience and operational efficiencies.

Andrew Steele, Chief Product Officer, Intelligent Mobility, Enable



Social media engagement strategies

Love to Ride will use UK and global project examples of social media engagements to discuss effective approaches to help make your projects stand out, get noticed and promote interest through various social channels. 

Christian Lampe, Social Media guru, Love to Ride



How data is driving tomorrow’s world, today

Self-driving cars, parking apps and ride-share services are all poised to dramatically change how we use the transport network. The crucial ingredient in all this is data. Collaboration and communication is critical to creating an ecosystem to build a new infrastructure that creates solutions for problems of today and tomorrow. We present how the BPA is leading the way in this new landscape through the pioneering work of the Alliance for Parking Data Standards and Traffic Regulation Orders Working Group.
Julian O’Kelly, Head of Technology, Innovation and Research, British Parking Association



Using Bluetooth and smartphones for accessing new forms of transport

The team at Hangar 19 have been involved with EV charging, EV car clubs and Mobility as a Service since 2009. Supported by Innovate UK, they have been working on a Bluetooth Access Module that explores the real world challenges of accessing and monitoring EV charging infrastructure. This project aims to deliver a cost effective product that reduces the overall cost of chargepoints, reduces the ongoing operational cost when compared to majority of systems that rely on GSM networking, and offers operators of mobility systems a new alternative to integrate access control and remote monitoring in their operations. The Bluetooth access module is currently being trialled by the eCar Club, which is owned by Europcar.

Steve Large, Technical Director, Hubeleon / Hangar 19




The ride-sharing app reinventing daily commutes

Chariot will be presenting how it's reinventing commuting to make it an enjoyable part of the day showcasing some case studies and sharing its vision of the future. Chariot is focused on creating a transit solution that relieves congestion while offering a comfortable, personalised commuting experience.
The core of our mission is universal access to better transportation. When the world runs on smarter routes, lower costs, and better ride experiences, we'll collectively take cars off the road.

Nico de Luis, International Launch Manager, Chariot



More than a Car Club: a management platform

This session will explore the use of a management platform for multiple functions with multiple rewards, looking at how best to launch and develop a car club, from public access to pool car management and MaaS platform integration. The booking, billing and member management platform developed by Co-wheels can ensure maximum efficiency of use for vehicles, answering demands from large fleets through to small communities, incorporating bikes, public transport and journey planning.

Robert Schopen, Marketing Manager, Co-Wheels Car Club



Faster, further, freer, funner: FREEBIKE 

Dockless electric bike sharing will dramatically change city transport. It is the quickest way to travel up to six miles without breaking a sweat, it’s environmentally positive, it attracts a wider demographic than traditional schemes and, most importantly, it makes travelling fun. Charles Butler, the founder of Freebike, the most technologically advanced dockless electric bike in the world will share his vision of how city transport can be fun, efficient and healthy.

Charles Butler, founder, Freebike




Using Wi-Fi data in pedestrian models 

This session will look at the innovative methodology undertaken for the pedestrian survey and modelling of a large public realm in London where Wi-Fi data has been used to inform the base year model. The approach undertaken shows advantages and limitations of this technology and explores the potential for inclusion of Wi-Fi surveys as standard practice in pedestrian simulations.

Francesco Angelelli, Senior Transport Planner, SNC-Lavalin Atkins



Tools for stakeholder engagement 

Geve integrates geographical and engineering data for (construction) projects into an interactive 3D environment, which improves and simplifies the communication and collaboration amongst stakeholders to achieve project success and profitability. 

Richard Johnston, co-founder, Geve



Traveline Open Data

Traveline provides journey planning and departure information covering Great Britain by telephone, SMS and the internet. This session will look at how Traveline is using open data sources.

Steven Penn, Information Systems Manager, Traveline



Cargo and e-Cargo bike opportunities

Cargo bikes are going to be a vital part of the future of urban goods deliveries and for families cycling together. The Department for Transport (DfT) has issued a call for evidence for proposals on how more ‘last mile’ deliveries can be carried out using electric cargo bikes and electric vans, and announced a £2m e-cargo bike programme, and the major EU CityChangerCargoBike (CCCB) project is also aiming to accelerate take-up. Richard will outline the opportunities.

Richard Armitage, Director, European Cycle Logistics Federation



Practical, collaborative steps for local authorities to use innovation to solve challenges

Practical, collaborative steps for local authorities to use innovation to solve challenges. 

Llewelyn Morgan, head of innovation, Oxfordshire County Council and Rob Hale, partner im23



Understanding the invisible cyclist 

See.Sense creates award-winning bike lights which give cyclists more visibility on their ride, and cities more information on their roads.  Technology inside the lights detects any road issues or poor route conditions that a cyclist faces. Insights are shared with cities to improve safety, and reduce congestion and pollution.

Aaron Coulter, Smart Cities Programme Manager, See Sense



Sensor City: bringing ideas to reality

Industry need to embrace sensors and IoT to reduce the risk of getting left behind. From smart devices and 3D printing to AI and machine learning, business are being transformed as we become increasingly engrossed in the digital world, or the ‘fourth industrial revolution’. One big problem for emerging SMEs however, is the lack of skills, technology, and high-end facilities needed to develop their innovative concepts into viable, market-ready solutions. Sensor City is a global innovation hub which offers existing companies and entrepreneurs this technical expertise, support and international platform needed to collaborate, fund and promote sensor solutions at pace. 

Dr Joanne Phoenix, Business Development, Sensor City





Using the strength of mobile data to keep the M25 moving

This session will look at how the Atkins EE team has been using mobile phone data to gather insights on journeys around the M25. Through maximising EE’s mobile phone data in an anonymised and aggregated manner, the team have been able to calculate journey times around the M25 and radial routes into London for Connect Plus Services. Through delivering these insights, to our client they are able to report to Highways England how their network is operating.

Nathan Watt, Senior Consultant, SNC-Lavalin/Atkins



Behaviour change: maximising the value of car club/pool car solutions 

This session will look at good practice when setting up pool car/car club solutions for organisations, including how to engage staff, set policies and create solutions which stimulate best behaviour for maximising value.

Russell Fenner, Head of Innovation, E-Car Club




Unblocking the supply chain

FreightShareLab is a project focused on helping the freight sector optimise the movements of freight and vehicles. Using powerful routing and scheduling algorithms, the research project through aggregation of freight shipments and available vehicles seeks to optimise vehicle movements and routes to maximise freight efficiency and reduce congestion. Now coming to the end of its first year, this three-year initiative is now seeking companies to engage in operational trials. 

Andy Salter, DVV Media, Project partner, FreightShareLab 



Operating a bike share scheme within a Council

The Liverpool bike sharing scheme, citybike, was launched in 2014 with LSTF funding from the DfT and was operated by an external company on behalf of the City Council. In October  2017 the scheme was brought ‘in house’, and this talk looks at the challenges and opportunities created by this action, and considers the scheme's future direction.

David Brown, Principal Transport Planner, Liverpool City Council




Transport Data Initiative 'workshop'

The Transport Data Initiative is led by local authorities who believe that improving the way we collect, store, and use data will help us deliver improved transport services while reducing costs of delivery.  This ‘workshop-style’ session provides an opportunity for authorities to discuss challenges, identify possible solutions and explore new revenue streams. 

Led by members of the TDI Policy Group



Mott MacDonald
Liverpool City Region
Innovate UK Transport Systems Catapult
Innovate UK Arriva
Your Bike




The Department for Transport
Liverpool City Region MEP
SNC Lavalin Atkins
ACT Travelwise
PTV Group



Media Partners:

Local Transport Today
Parking Review


Delegate & Logistics Enquiries: | 020 7091 7865
Sponsorship & Exhibiting Enquiries: | 020 7091 7861
©Landor LINKS 2018| #smartertravellive

Image from Smarter Travel LIVE! 2017

Speed Learning

Smarter Travel LIVE! 2018
Smarter Travel LIVE! 2018

16-17 October 2018
Exhibition Centre

Organised by:

Stagecoach Transport Systems Catapult Innovate UK Arriva