Sponsors of Smarter Travel LIVE!



Atkins is one of the world’s most respected design, engineering and project management consultancies. We build long-term trusted partnerships to create a world where lives are enriched through the implementation of our ideas.

Our skills lie in the expansive area of infrastructure as well as in our experience of working for a broad range of clients, including national and local governments and the commercial sector. The social and environmental framework of our work is crucial, and we view all our projects in the context of the communities in which they are delivered.

Atkins serves clients in UK & Europe, North America, the Middle East and Asia Pacific regions


Catapult Transport Systems

Transport Systems Catapult

The Transport Systems Catapult is one of seven elite technology and innovation centres established and overseen by the UK's innovation agency, Innovate UK.

We were created to drive and promote Intelligent Mobility – using new and emerging technologies to transport people and goods more smartly and efficiently.

We are helping UK businesses create products and services that meet the needs of the world's transport systems as they respond to ever-stretching demands. We help sell UK capability on the global stage, while also promoting the UK as a superb test bed for the transportation industry. 

With a clear emphasis on collaboration, we are bringing together diverse organisations across different modes of transport, breaking down barriers and providing a unique platform for meeting the world's most pressing transport challenges.




Sustrans makes smarter travel choices possible, desirable and inevitable. We’re a leading UK charity enabling people to travel by foot, bike or public transport for more of the journeys we make every day. We work with families, communities, policy-makers and partner organisations so that people are able to choose healthier, cleaner and cheaper journeys, with better places and spaces to move through and live in. 

It’s time we all began making smarter travel choices. Make you move and support Sustrans today.




ITS (UK), the UK association for the promotion of Intelligent Transport Systems, a not-for-profit public/private sector association financed by members’ subscriptions.  We provide a forum for all organisations concerned with ITS.  150 members, ranging from the UK Department for Transport, through highways authorities, to large and small consultancies and suppliers.


Department for Transport

Department for Transport

We work with our agencies and partners to support the transport network that helps the UK’s businesses and gets people and goods travelling around the country. We plan and invest in transport infrastructure to keep the UK on the move.

DFT is a ministerial department, supported by 19 agencies and public bodies




Carplus promotes car clubs and shared transport. We work for accessible shared mobility including car clubs, 2+ car sharing, bike sharing and taxi sharing. We are a not-for-profit, environmental transport NGO.



Urban Transport Group

Urban Transport Group

We are the voice of UK urban transport. Our network brings together Greater Manchester, Liverpool City Region, London, North East, Sheffield City Region, West Midlands, West Yorkshire.  Bristol and the West of England, Nottingham City Council and Strathclyde Partnership for Transport are associate members. As a network we do three things. We make the case for urban transport and for the funding and powers our members need to improve transport in their areas. We are Britain's premier network for urban transport professionals working in the public sector to help our members do more for less through learning from each other and through co-procurement. We also provide thought leadership for the wider sector through exploring and setting out ways forward on both cross sector and medium to long term challenges on everything from Total Transport to young people and from the implications of transformative social and technological change to how transport can contribute to improving public health.  

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conferences@landor.co.uk | 020 7091 7865
Sponsorship & Exhibiting Enquiries:
daniel@landor.co.uk | 020 7091 7861
Photography by: kostisnikolas.com
©Landor LINKS 2016

17 – 18 March 2016
ArenaMK, Milton Keynes

Smarter Travel LIVE! 2016


Urban Transport Group Active Travel Network ATKINS Active Travel Network Sustrans Department for Transport Transport Systems Catapult ITS UK Milton Keynes Council Landor LINKS