Designing the new mobility
This presentation will bring together the new thinking in user-centred design, service design and user experience, through case studies, tools and practical examples, to show how it can be effectively applied to mobility as a service. The approaches will ensure that the end-user (the traveller) extracts the maximum benefit, hence increasing uptake of services and maximizing sustainability aims.
Luke Harmer, Lecturer, Loughborough Design School
Accelerating Connected & Automated Vehicle Testing
Transport Systems Catapult present the results of their research into what the public sector could do, both at local and national level, to accelerate connected and automated vehicle testing and deployment in order to capture some of the early benefits.
Alan Nettleton, Technologist, Transport Systems Catapult
Apps as infrastructure
Drawing on his experiences of developing transport apps for bus operators in Bournemouth and Nottingham over the last 7 years, Passenger Technology Group (PTG) CEO Tom Quay will talk about apps as infrastructure, and how, while the Internet of Things is fast approaching, the key to smarter cities everywhere is the mobile computer in everyone’s pocket.
Tom Quay, CEO, Passenger Technology Group