11th Annual UK Rail Stations event | 22 February 2012 | King's Cross Holiday Inn, London

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Burgess Salmon
Local Transport Today
bpr Architects bpr Architects New Transit
The UK Rail Stations Event is organised by Landor LINKS and presented by New Transit Magazine. Published programme may be subject to change.

Exhibitor queries, contact Anthony Kelly l anthony.kelly@landor.co.uk l 020 7091 7895
Conference enquiries, contact Tamara Blair l conferences@landor.co.uk l 020 7091 7865

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© Landor LINKS

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Why Attend UK Rail Stations 2011?
Rates and Booking
Sponsor or Exhibit at UK Rail Stations 2011
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11th Annual Conference
22 February 2012

King's Cross, London











Book online or download faxable booking form and fax to
020 7091 7966. Group bookings
& sponsorship: please contact.










David Biggs

David Biggs
Director of
Network Rail

Mike Goggin

Mike Goggin
Steer Davies

Ken Taylor

Ken Taylor
Executive Director Groundwork Trust

David Sidebottom

David Sidebottom, Passenger Director Passenger Focus

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