6 June 2018 Modelling World Programme

Please note that the programme is currently under development and subject to change.


Delegate registration in the foyer outside the Banquetting Suite with refereshments served inside the main exhibition hall area


West Suite

Morning plenary: the role of modelling in a fast-changing transport world

Welcome from Conference Chair: Tom van Vuren, Divsional Director, Mott MacDonald

Session chair: Dr Helen Bowkett, Traffic and Economics Lead, Lower Thames Crossing, Arcadis

Speakers include:

  • Professor Glenn Lyons, Mott MacDonald Professor of Future Mobility

  • Dr Kiron Chatterjee, Associate Professor in Travel Behaviour, University of the West of England

  • Benedict Taylor, Foresight Future of Mobility, Government Office for Science 

  • Mike Waters, Head of Policy and Strategy, Transport for West Midlands


Morning break: Tea & coffee served in the main exhibition hall area


Delegates choose from 1 of 3

West Suite

1882 Lounge

Warwickshire Suite

Data and visualisation

Chair: Paul O'Neill, Director, Intelligent Data

Visualising distorted MSOAs
Dr Ian Philips, Research Fellow, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds

A city-wide ride-share simulation 
Robin North, CEO, Immense Simulations

Visualising  large data sets
Oliver Charlesworth, Global Account Director, Citilabs

Mapping modal share with Google street view
James Woodcock, Programme lead, Public health modelling, University of Cambridge



City regions

Chair: Rebecca Rankin, Senior Consultant, Atkins

Modelling economic transformation: North of England
John Swanson & Jon Peters, Steer Davies Gleave, and Richard Bradley Transport for the North

Traffic assignment simulation framework, West Midlands
Tamara Djukic, Senior Research Engineer, Aimsun

Keeping the West Midlands Moving: A new approach to understanding demand
Steve Close, Transport Systems Catapult, Carl Goves, Chief Engineer, Immense Simulations and Simon Young, Transport Systems Catapult

Innovation in modelling
Stuart Lester, Data Innovation Lead, Transport for West Midlands

Uncertainty and the opportunity for City Regions
Michael Oliver, Solution Director, PTV Group

Environment and health

Chair: Dave Williams, Senior Managing Consultant, Atkins

Modelling Clean Air Zones
David Connolly, Director of Technical Development, Systra 

Using models to plan London’s cycle network
Alex Longdon, Principal City Planner, Transport for London

Spatial Design Network Analysis (sDNA)
Crispin Cooper, Research Associate, Sustainable Places Research Institute Cardiff University

LIFE Project: Modelling emergency vehicles advanced priority strategies
Fabio Galatioto & Ali Fereidoonian, Transport Systems Catapult


Lunch: Served in the main exhibition hall area

Sponsored by:

PTV Group


Delegates choose from 1 of 3

West Suite

1882 Lounge

Warwickshire Suite

Modelling wider economic impacts: future direction and key challenges

An open conversation, led by the DfT, about the way forward for Supplementary Economic Modelling (SEM), identifying key challenges to SEM becoming a trusted and integral part of scheme design and appraisal, and how best to overcome these challenges. 

DfT considers that we need the collective efforts of the industry to move things along;  a challenge for all of us, and not just the department. DfT wishes to understand when simpler and less expensive approaches are warranted, and acceptable, and how DfT can use the outputs from these models to inform decisions. Panel discussion: progress to date and a focus on next steps

Chair: Mark Ledbury, Deputy Director, Transport Appraisal and Strategic Modelling, Department for Transport

  • Josh Nava, Economic Advisor, Department for Transport

  • Daniel Hanson, Director, Strategy & Economics, PwC

  • Jeremy Clarke, Highways England

  • David Simmonds, David Simmonds Consultancy

Exploiting new technology

Chair: Nadia Lyubimova, Associate Director, WSP

Transport planners and automotive engineers: a collaboration story
Devrim Kara, Director, PTV Group, UK & Ireland, and Tim Ellershaw, Senior R&D Scientist, HORIBA MIRA

Using Wi-Fi data in agent based pedestrian models
Francesco Angelelli, Senior Transport Consultant, Atkins

Modelling shared mobility
Luis Martinez, Shared Mobility Team, International Transport Forum

Developing new demand data from mobile networks
Chris Wroe, Telefonica & Aled Davies, TfL

Looking to the future..

Chair: Clare Sheffield, Clare Sheffield Consultancy

Where to start with personalised collective transport services?
Fiona Crawford, Research Fellow, Centre for Transport and Society, UWE

Modelling passenger route choice in public transport networks during disruptions
Menno Yap, Transport modeller, Atkins

Digitally sensing people-place interactions
Sharon Richardson, Founder, Joining the Dots

Optimising decision-making: transport models in mixed and virtual reality environments
Rishi Ahuja, Founder & Managing Director, Sunovatech Group


Afternoon break: Tea & coffee served in the main exhibition hall area


West Suite

Closing Plenary: Are our models able to assess the impact of transformational projects?

Chair: Amanda Rowlatt, Chief Analyst and Strategy Director, Department for Transport

Speakers include:

  • Prof Roger Vickerman, Emeritus Professor of European Economics, University of Kent

  • Lucy Dean, Associate, Volterra

  • Tom van Vuren, Divsional Director, Mott MacDonald

  • Daniel Hanson, Director, Strategy & Economics, PwC


Conference close


Room With A View

Master of Modelling Awards & Drinks Reception

Masters of Modelling

Drinks reception Sponsored by:



Event Close

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Delegate & Logistics Enquiries: conferences@landor.co.uk | 020 7091 7865

Sponsorship & Exhibiting Enquiries: daniel@landor.co.uk | 020 7091 7861

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