

Delegate registration in the main exhibition hall area



Morning plenary: Does rapid change mean new models?

Chaired by: Tom Van Vuren, Divisional Director, Mott MacDonald

Luis Willumsen, Director, Willumsen Advisory Services & Kineo Mobility Analytics

Greg Marsden, Professor of Transport Governance, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds

John Allan, Modelling and Appraisal Director, Systra

Paul Buchanan, Partner, Volterra

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Morning break: Tea & coffee served in the main exhibition hall area


Delegates choose from 1 of 3




Modelling disruptive technologies

Chair: Paul Buchanan, Partner, Volterra

What can Connected and Autonomous Vehicles do for traffic forecasting?
Luis Willumsen, Director, Willumsen Advisory Services & Kineo Mobility Analytics

Modelling actual travel behaviour for MaaS
Zac Zachariah, CEO, Travel AI 

Using neural networks in transport models
Anan Allos & Sam Brooks, Atkins

Multimodal activity modelling for MaaS
Patrizia Franco, Techologist, Transport Systems Catapult

Making the most of existing road capacity using predictive decision support
Devrim Kara, Director, PTV,  UK & Ireland


Research into practice workshop

Facilitated by Helen Bowkett, consultant, Arcadis

How academic research is creating new tools and processes to support modellers and data scientists, and how academics and practioners alike can benefit from achieving closer working and understanding between practitioners and academic modellers

  • gain insight into the latest UK PhD research: hear short presentations from some of best of the UK's current PhD students on their research into areas such as the use of Bluetooth and mobile data for modelling

  • share pathways for practitioners to access academic research

  • let academics know what real-world questions need investigation?

  • raise the impact, influence and relevance of academic research to practitioner modelling community?

  • find out how practitioners help academics in their research – create a channel for a two-way flow of ideas, experience and data for research

Find out more

Modelling active travel

Chair: David Christie, demand modelling development lead, Transport for London

Value of micro-econometric demand models to understand and predict the demand for cycling
Aruna Sivakumar, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College

Modelling cycling demand and forecasting the impact of cycling interventions
Nila Sari​, Principal Transport Modeller, Transport for London & James Snowdon, Senior Consultant, Systra

Optimising safety, efficiency and commercial opportunities using pedestrian simulation
Eduardo Lazzarotto, Business Development, Legion

Stick or carrot: how different approaches affect responsiveness to active travel options
Dan Saunders, Product Manager, Basemap



Lunch: Served in the main exhibition hall area

Sponsored by:

PTV Group


Delegates choose from 1 of 3




Regional models

Chair: Dr Olga Feldman, Director, Advisory and Strategic Modelling, Global Lead Big Data and Analytics, Arcadis Consulting

Lessons learnt in the development (and early application) of Highways England’s Regional Traffic Models
Alison Cox
, Team Leader, Highways England

Representing large areas efficiently
Phil Richards, Modelling Director, Atkins

Using Regional Transport Models for a Programmatic Approach: the A303 corridor experience
Chris Bruce, Arup

Regional Transport Models: making a difference in assessing Road Investment Strategy (RIS) schemes
Chris White, Mott McDonald

Modelling Clean Air Zones 
David Connolly, Director for Technical Development, Systra




Modelling disruptive technologies: software response

Chair: Gavin Jackman, Regional Director, Business Development, TSS-Transport Simulation Systems

MaaS: modelling its strategic impact and benefits & transport impact assessment of emerging transport technologies including CAVs and MaaS
Michael Oliver, Solution Director PTV Visum and Alastair Evanson, Solution Director, PTV Vissim

Ripe for disruption! How models are adapting to a changing world
Jordi Casas, Executive Director, Research and Development​, TSS-Transport Simulation Systems

Prototype large scale simulation of the SRN
Abraham Narh, Senior Technologist, Transport Systems Catapult, Carl Goves, Immense Simulations & Jonathan Coello, Improbable

ITO World: ITO Motion
Daren Rapley, Business Development Manager ITO World

Session sponsored by:




New data sources and models

Chair: Paul O'Neill, Intelligent Data

Disruptive technology and the application of automation
Alby Miller, Senior Technologist, Transport Systems Catapult & Mark Nicholson, Vivacity

City Science: optimising city systems
Laurence Oakes-Ash, City Science

Crowdsourcing live travel behaviour data
Anna Pages Maso, Senior Technologist, Transport Systems Catapult & Peter Lindgren, Travel AI

Reporting rail & underground demand by integrating assignment and a multitude of data sources
Howard Wong and Piotr Wiech, Transport for London

How can immersive visualisation technology lead to better design decisions for walking and cycling?
Martin Pett, Principal Technologist, Transport Systems Catapult 


Session sponsored by:

PTV Group



Afternoon break: Tea & coffee served in the main exhibition hall area



Are we doing enough to make models useful?

Chair: Luis Willumsen, Director, Willumsen Advisory Services & Kineo Mobility Analytics

Modelling: an independent review
Keith Buchan
, Transport Planning Society

Modelling to support the National Infrastructure Assessment (NIA)
Bianca de Farias Letti, Economist, National Infrastructure Commission

Why are transport planners still here?
James Gleave
, Founder, Transport Futures and Consultant, Travelspirit Foundation

New scenarios in WebTAG
Mark Ledbury, Deputy Director, Transport Appraisal and Strategic Modelling, Department for Transport



Master of Modelling Awards & Drinks Reception

Details of the 'Masters of Modelling' Awards will be forthcoming

Drinks reception Sponsored by:



Event Close

Published programme subject to change


Modelling Vacancies available at:



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©Landor LINKS 2017



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Landor LINKS
Transport Systems Catapult
Mott MacDonald
Modelling World 2017

The Valley, Charlton Athletic, SE7

14 JUNE 2017

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