| | | | Modelling World 2012 Conference Programme | | | | | "The presentations were varied and focused on new challenges raising interesting ideas and stimulating discussions. It is good to have a range of both academics and practitioners. Modelling World is well organised and significant thought is put to the programme."
Bryan Whittaker, URS: Delegate at Modelling World 2011 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Registration, Tea & Coffee | |  |  |  |
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| | | | | | | Morning plenary: Learning from other disciplines - will big data be able to change the fundamental way in which we model?
Can the growth of 'big data' and technological advances offer new modelling solutions, tools and platforms to help us better understand 'real' urban behaviours? And while frugal innovation may be relevant and exciting, what lessons from the past would we do well to hold on to?
- Joan Serras, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London, plus colleagues from CASA's varied research programme
- Tom Van Vuren, Divisional Director, Mott MacDonald
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| | | | | | | Modelling for an irrational world
Modelling in an imperfect world: how to model and deliver policy advice when human decision making is imperfect and sometimes irrational
- Dr Luis (Pilo) Willumsen, Director, The Luis Willumsen Consultancy
Can we model the irrational? Recent advances in estimating models
- Peter Davidson, Peter Davidson Consultancy
Nudge versus shove: behavioural economics from the perspective of transport and climate change: travel demand modelling and design of behaviour change measures
- Dr Erel Avineri, Associate Professor in Travel Behaviour, Centre for Transport & Society
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| | | | Visualisation, communication and understanding real behaviours
3D movies: making the case for change:bringing together data collection, quantitative analysis, modelling and visualisation to produce 3D movies that support the business case for investment
- Simon Babes, Technical Director at SKM Colin Buchanan
- Paul Oesten-Creasey, Associate Director, Wagstaffs Design
Using fare collection data to visualise travel demand in combination with GIS, its evolution over time, the characterization of geographical areas based on boarding patterns and the estimation of origin-destinations matrices
- Guillaume Bouchard, Xerox Transportation Analytics
The Visions 2030 project - participatory tools for active travel analysis: interactive 3D computer modelling and backcasting is being used to spotlight decison-making processes and preferences
- Dr Paul Timms, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, and a Visions 2030 team leader
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| | | | | | | Data and modelling to understand complex destination choices
The effect of transport policy change and new technologies on car ownership and location choice: how they impact on today's models
- David Simmonds, David Simmonds Consultancy
Planning the whole airport experience: demand forecasting and modelling for airports, and how it differs from traditional transport modelling
- Phil Vigor, Aviation, Mott MacDonald
Crowdsourcing and activity tracking to tap the 21st century data stream: do current tools and techniques measure up to the new possibilities? How will new data sources enable us to better understand and represent travel behaviour?
- John Swanson, Associate, Steer Davies Gleave
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| | | | Developing the evidence base
Pinpointing the value of urban activity: new, but familiar, urban realm valuation tools could enable highways engineers to better understand the value of quality public realm and support more informed decision-making for politicians and investors
- Brian Fitzpatrick, Head of Highways, EC Harris
Understanding place and movement in an age of localism: Using mobile phone data to estimate trip patterns and collect travel time data
- Maarten Kroes and Danielle Czauderna, Associates, Steer Davis Gleave
Planning and geodesign of growth strategies: the PB Place model and its application for large scale growth in Cornwall: using the tool to assess the relationship between land use pattern and transport infrastructure provision, compared with conventional means of testing using transport models
- Jonathan Tricker, Parsons Brinckerhoff
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| | | | | | | Afternoon plenary debate: Do major changes in travel demand mean major changes in modelling?
How can we model post-peak car?
- Professor Phil Goodwin, Emeritus Professor of Transport Policy Centre for Transport & Society, University of the West of England
Reviewing the National Transport Model
- Keith Buchan, Chair, Transport Planning Society
National forecasting for strategy, policy, and scheme appraisal in the current climate
- Robin Cambery, Integrated Transport Economics and Appraisal, Department for Transport
- Taro Hallworth, Economic Advisor, Department for Transport
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| | | | | | | Networking drinks served in the main exhibition area - Sponsored by PTV AG | |  |  |  |
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| | | | | | | Smart traffic management
The convergence of traffic assignment methods
- Howard Slavin, President, Caliper Corporation
Simulation-based real-time predictive tool: new trends and the London showcase. How predictive modelling allows road authorities and private service providers to shift the role of ITS from the reactive to the anticipatory
- Josep Maria Aymamí, TSS-Transport Simulation Systems
VISION Online: the brain of traffic management
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| | | | Modelling for the future: movement, place and people
Access, not ownership, in an information age: Movement and mobility will revolve around access to a range of travel modes - a travel portfolio - and not around car ownership
- Peter Miller, CEO, ITO World
Data-rich models: a new look at population estimates
- Professor Allan Brimicombe, Centre for Geo-Information Studies, University of East London
Smarter travel choices: an alternative approach to modelling the impact of measures
- Stephen Joseph, Executive Director, Campaign for Better Transport and Prof Phil Goodwin, University of the West of England
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| | | | | | | New variables and accommodating qualitative data
Connecting physical and digital flows: harnessing big data for operational and strategic goals, while engaging the public, academia and policymakers
- Jon Reades, Research associate, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, UCL
Network data: counting and tracking crowd and vehicle movements: data input to new and conventional tools
Scientific basis of choice modelling and valuation: extending the boundaries
- Professor Andrew Daly, Senior Research Fellow, RAND Europe's Choice Modelling and Valuation Group
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| | | | Journey transport data: unlocking a new paradigm for analysis
Opening up public transport data to add value and drive efficiency: the building blocks to accessible, purposed data
Aggregation and analytics for public transport data
- Jonathan Raper, Founder & Managing Director, Placr
Using real-time tracking data: 5 trillion anonymously-collected data points enable before and after analysis, bottleneck analysis, journey time monitoring and modelling.
- Tom Westendorp, Business Development Manager, Tom Tom
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| | | | | | | Informing strategic investment decisions
Multi modal simulation for traffic planning with a focus on pedestrians
- Dr. Tobias Kretz, PTV Vision
Air quality and environmental modelling
- Dr Sean Beevers, Air Quality Modelling, Environmental Research Group, King's College London
Strategic models for rail planning and the data they need
- Jonathan Tyler, Passenger Transport Networks, York
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| | | | Smart and social cities
Harnessing data to unlock the new mobility
- Chris Cooper, IBM Industry Architect for Travel & Transportation
The Internet of Things: network and sensor data in the city, with a focus on Singapore's real time city platform
- Kristian Kloeckl, research scientist, MIT SENSEAble City Lab
Measure, map, model and make: the challenge for urban design practitioners is to show politicians and investors, along with the transport community, how multi-scale activity rooted in quality of place generates assessable economic value
- Tim Stonor, Director, Space Syntax
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| | | | | | | Closing plenary: how do we recognise fundamental changes in social, cultural and economic trends early enough to model them?
- Kristian Kloeckl, SENSEable City Lab MIT, Boston, USA
- Professor Allan Brimicombe, Centre for Geo-Information Studies, University of East London
- Gordon Stokes, Honorary Visiting Research Associate, Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford
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*Published programme is subject to change. | |  |  |  |  |
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