Speakers at Modelling World 2011 include... |
Tom van Vuren, Divisional Director, Mott MacDonald
A specialist in transport modelling, demand forecasting and appraisal, with a career in consultancy and academia spanning over 25 years. Has been involved in research and development and practical applications in countries around Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia. Tom is a Visiting Professor at the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds
Martin Bach, Director, Minnerva
Martin Bach is a Director at Minnerva and has been associated with the development of transport planning software of various flavours for many years.
He has recently been involved in developing tools and techniques which exploit the availability of Open (and nearly Open) Data; this with the objective of improving the way in which we think about building Transport Models. This is especially relevant given the challenging times we live in.
Nigel Campbell, Director of Policy Analysis, TfL
Nigel Campbell is Director of Policy Analysis at Transport for London (TfL). The Policy Analysis directorate is responsible for the analysis underpinning the Mayor's Transport Strategy; sub-regional transport plans; monitoring, including the Travel in London report and the Mayor's Air Quality Strategy; TfL's London-wide transport models and the development of the new models for each of five London sub-regions. He is also TfL's lead director for North London. Before joining TfL, Nigel worked for the Department for Transport (DfT); the Cabinet Office, what is now the Prime Minister's Strategy Unit; and the Treasury. His roles in DfT included analysis for the strategic review of the 10 Year Plan; transport's impact on agglomeration and productivity; the Eddington study; and improving value for money. He also had policy responsibilities for the climate change PSA target, smarter travel and cycling.
Peter Davidson, Peter Davidson Consultancy
Peter is a chartered civil engineer with 35 years experience in transport. He is an expert on transport modelling and has been at the forefront in the development of new modelling techniques including stated and revealed preference estimation , matrix building, park and ride, modelling parking, transport modelling software and more recently activity based modelling. He is principle of Peter Davidson Consultancy which he started 22 years ago to specialise in transport modelling and appraisal. He is currently working on public private partnership toll roads and on activity based modelling.
Marius Dupuis, General Manager, Vires
1994 Graduated in aerospace engineering at Stuttgart University in Germany.
1995-1997 developer for flight simulation systems at Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH, Ottobrunn, Germany.
1996 co-founder of VIRES Simulationstechnologie GmbH.
1998-today General Manager and software devloper at VIRES Simulationstechnologie GmbH and involved in the standardization projects "OpenDRIVE" and "OpenCRG".
Marcial Echenique, Professor of Land Use and Transport Studies, University of Cambridge
He is professor of Land Use and Transport Studies and former Head of Architecture at the University of Cambridge. He is accredited, in particular, with early work on the integration of land use and transport planning, and for both theoretical and practical advances in the development and application of computer models. He has also acted as a consultant to numerous government and local authorities and has directed a number of major planning studies financed by international institutions such as The World Bank and The United Nations. Recently, He directed the influential study of Cambridge Futures (RTPI award for planning innovation), co-directed the joint urban design studio of the Cambridge -MIT Institute and is the Principal Investigator for the EPSRC research on sustainable urban environment (SOLUTIONS and ReVISIONS). In 2009 he was awarded an OBE for services to Urban and Regional Planning.
Stephen Fraser, Business Manager Scotland, Atkins
Steven Fraser leads Atkins’ Transport Planning and Management Business in Scotland and provides leadership on transport related climate change studies across the UK. He has led major carbon abatements studies for the DfT, Scottish Government, and a wide range of regional and local authorities.
Stéphane Gourgout, Co-founder and Vice-President, Bionatics
Bionatics is a French software company providing advanced 3D solutions for decision making in territory management, planning and promotion. Bionatics especially targets the 3D needs in planning and land management (sustainable planning and management of cities, landscape preservation ...) with its LandSim3D solution. Behind its solutions, the company offers an original procedural technology approach to visualize and manage large cities and landscape in 3D from geographic source data. Such technology overpasses the classical limitations of 3D city and landscape models bringing a wide range of new possibilities and applications in territory planning and management.
Robert Holtom, Mott MacDonald
Robert is a Principal Consultant with a background in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and over ten years experience in the application of GIS to the field of Transportation. His work has included the development of techniques and applications for the processing, analysis and dissemination of GPS based data for transport modelling, planning and monitoring. Robert is attributed with leading the development of the CJAMS GPS based journey time data estimation and dissemination tools and more recently he has focussed on development of techniques for producing and analysing Origin - Destination information from GPS sources.
Mike Hutt, TRL
Mike heads up TRL’s software customer relations with a background in Project Management and Business Development. With 10 years of experience in various Transportation and Engineering roles, Mike has been successful at growing TRL Software’s international customer base through ensuring that the right direction is followed and understanding customer requirements in a difficult but important economic environment. Working client side has afforded Mike a valuable understanding of customer needs and priorities and his recent work has involved representing the UK at various international transportation conferences
Boris Johansson, SIAS
Boris Johansson has been with SIAS since 1996 and is a Technical Director involved in a wide spectrum of transportation planning and modelling projects in both the public and private sector. He has particular experience in the auditing of traffic and transport models ranging from local up to national level. He is also a widely experienced microsimulation modeller having been heavily involved in the development, training, use and support of the S-Paramics software throughout his career.
Olaf Junker, Managing Partner, Airport Research Center GmbH
For over ten years, Olaf Junker, Managing Partner at the Airport Research Center GmbH (ARC), has focussed on the interfaces between architecture and computer science, in parallel to his academic background. In his role as head of simulation software development, he covers the different ARC worlds of planning and simulation software development and consultancy, trying to bring both sides together.
Olaf has completed several national and international projects as engineer and project manager, many of them including heterogeneous partners all over the world. In the field of research and development, Olaf focuses on the potential of the simulation as a real time monitor and control engine. He has featured in several publications and given speeches at international conferences.
Simon Leng, Presagis
Simon Leng joined Presagis in 1997 and has previously held Sales Management and technical positions at a number of High Technology companies involved in areas such as Mechanical and Architectural CAD/CAM, and Electronic Design Automation.
Presagis is a global leader providing commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) modelling, simulation and embedded graphics solutions. The company develops industry leading tools based on open-standards which can be delivered as stand-alone solutions or as a pre-integrated COTS software portfolio.
Richard Marriot, Managing Director, Drakewell
Richard has been involved in the design of software for traffic data collection for the past 30 years.
He has seen the evolution of software from DOS based programs which simply collected data from a recorder and produced basic printed reports to fully integrated SQL database products with enterprise wide web reporting.
Recently he has overseen the development of programs which combine Automatic Traffic Count, Manual Traffic Count and Turning Movement data as well as OD Matrix Studies and Journey Time calculations derived from ANPR and Bluetooth detector data. All of these studies are combined and factored to produce summary data for use in Transport Modelling and Road Asset Management.
These developments are particularly relevant given the current financial climate and the need to maximise the use and integration of transport monitoring and modelling programs.
Paal Olafson, Senior Partner and co-owner, Strategy @ Risk
A simulation modelling specialist firm serving international clients. Specialising in holistic stochastic Monte Carlo simulations, addressing financial, strategic and operational uncertainty and risk. S&R develops complete stochastic balance simulation models used as management decision support tool.
Paal serves as chairman and non-executive director in several SME`s and has experience from start-ups and international companies. Paal worked for seven years as a vice-president in the Norwegian Industrial and Regional Development Fund. He was in charge of tailoring and carrying out Norway`s internationalization strategies in several industries. Paal holds an MSc Economics from University of Oslo, a Master program in Corporate Finance from The Norwegian School of Business and Cavalry officers’ candidate school.
Paul O'Neil, MD, Intelligent Data
Paul O'Neill is a Transport practitioner with over 14 years experience in transport planning/modeling, survey design and delivery. Paul is the Managing Director of Intelligent Data one of the UK’s leading transport data collection companies and CEO of Offshore Data Processing a BPO/KPO based in Mumbai, India. Paul has a wealth of experience in the sector having worked a consultant on large scale prestigious projects in the UK and Europe and also the Offshore sector having set up and grown ODP to over 100 staff in the past two years.
Barbara Operschall, Chief Marketing Officer, Yellowfish GmbH
Barbara worked for most of her career in the hospitality industry specialising in hotel and destination marketing. Holding various executive positions with Do&Co, Accor and Marriott, she was CEO of Best Western Hotels Central Europe responsible for 75 hotels prior to joining Yellowfish as Chief Marketing Officer. Barbara is focusing on the companies cooperation with the " Human Crowd Behaviour Research Group", a team of scientific experts from various university departments. Currently the HCB Research Group is preparing a joint long-term study using the CCB (Customer & Crowd Behaviour) Analyser to gain new insight on the movement behaviour of human crowds from aspects such as sociology, criminology, behavioral science, facility management & safety, spatial development and infrastructure & environmental planning. First results from this wide range of expertise will be presented for the first time at the Modelling World 2011.
Nigel Peters, Director, Savoy Computing Services Ltd
Nigel is a director of Savoy Computing Services Limited with 30 years experience as a software engineer and has a Computer Science Degree.
For the past 25 years he has specialized in developing CAD based Civil Engineering Software, in particular the modeling of vehicle movements and swept path analysis in both 2 and 3D. He is a lead developer in the team that wrote Savoy’s the market leading AutoTrack package. Savoy is Autodesk’s preferred industry partner in Swept Path Analysis.
Products he has worked on run in AutoCad, Civil3D, MicroStation, PowerDraft, PowerCivil and BricsCad.
For the last 20 years, Nigel has been an active registered Autodesk and Bentley developer and is one of a handful of independent alpha testers that AutoDesk use on each of the new releases of AutoCad and Civil3D.
John Polak, Professor of Transport Demand, Imperial College London
Professor John Polak is Director of the Centre for Transport Studies (CTS) at Imperial College London. CTS is the focus for more than 250 transport researchers at Imperial and is one of Europe's leading inter-disciplinary transport research and teaching centres.
Prof. Polak is a mathematician by background with over 30 years experience in transport research and teaching, specialising in the areas of mathematical and statistical transport modelling and analysis. He is a past President of the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research and a past Council Member of the Association for European Transport. He is a member of the EPSRC Peer Review College and serves on the US Transportation Research Board's Committee on Traveller Behaviour and Values and on the editorial advisory boards of a number of leading international journals.
Professor Polak has been in the forefront of innovative transport model development in the UK for a number of years, contributing to the development of techniques for stated preference data collection, activity based modelling, econometric aspects of discrete choice modelling, the assessment of the welfare impacts of transport policy measures and the treatment of quality and uncertainty in transport data sources. Much of his recent research has been concerned with the collection, analysis and interpretation of very large scale real-time datasets related to operational, behavioural, attitudinal and environmental aspects of transport.
Chris Riley, Associate, Oxera
Shaleen Srivastava, Technical Director, Jacobs
Shaleen Srivastava is a Technical Director and head of transport modelling and data integration and fusion team in Jacobs Engineering in Maidstone, UK. Shaleen's experience includes transport software development, transport data collection, multi modal demand and micro simulation transport modelling. Shaleen's mathematical, computing and modelling ability has enabled him to develop TDI, a data fusion led approach to network management and predictive modelling, using real-time data from various ground data sources (cameras and loops) and wireless data from GPS, GPRS and GSM. To achieve this Shaleen has developed the system architecture and written the software to sort, process and integrate large volumes of real-time data (speed, journey times, classified volumes and OD trips by purpose and modes) to provide network management and real-time multi modal transport models for future traffic predictions. Shaleen has also developed an innovative Cost-Benefit approach to support Kent's Permit Scheme Application to the Department for Transport (DfT) which integrates CBA with MCA. Shaleen has also developed various modules for both strategic and microsimulation modelling important of which are Parametric Calibration of Microsimulation Models, Optimisation and Prioritisation of Urban Traffic Signals, Archived Data User Service Platform, Micro-Time Period Choice for Microsimualtion Models and a Combined Hierarchical Multimodal Travel Demand Model. Shaleen is also a visiting lecturer in University of Surrey where he teaches Mathematics/Statistics and Discrete Choice Modelling in MSc Transport course
Michael Starr, Co-Founder, Cicada Design Inc.
Mr. Starr is a founding partner and manager of Cicada Design Inc. and maintains responsibility for overall company business development and management, software implementation, project team leadership, coordination and creative direction in project development related to developing the value proposition of design visualization. He contributes to the company’s approach to design visualization at a variety of levels including, 3d architectural visualization, large scale urban design visualization; property development and municipal planning visualization, interior design environments and lighting studies, film and television set extensions and background effects including green screen matte composition and product visualization. Other relevant experience includes, application software analysis for specific visualization projects, concept design and development, technical project visualization planning, financial management, team management and client liaison.
Eddie Strankalis, Hyder Consulting
Eddie is Technical Director for Transport Modelling in Hyder's Guildford office and has been heavily involved in transport modelling across all modes of travel for almost 30 years. He has accumulated a wide range of experience in model development, forecasting and appraisal and has had responsibility for the technical direction of a number of multi-modal studies and road charging studies.
His most recent work has included helping to develop large scale models for M25 scheme appraisals, West London and South Hampshire and well as peer reviewing WebTAG guidance on wider impacts and having a hand in removing the M4 Bus Lane last year. He also played a key role in the development of new WebTAG guidance on highway assignment modelling which is due to be published for consultation by the Department for Transport later this year.
Janine Tijou, Managing Director, Design Hive
As co-founding Director of Designhive with 11 years experience delivery visual communication projects within the built environment and property sector. Janine has a marketing background and is passionate about helping clients succeed in realising potential and communicating their designs, ideas and vision using powerful 3d cgi, animation and film to communicate in an impactful, clear and memorable way.
Designhive are creative and technical experts in the field of architectural visualisation and deliver world class presentations, interactive content and real time animations through a talented team of architectural visualisers, animators, marketers, digital illustrators, graphic designers, photographers and film producers. With UK and international experience, our clients include Arup, Atkins, Barton Willmore, BDP and Populous with projects including London 2012, Glasgow 2014 and Hambantota 2018 games bids, the Oxford Circus, Regent Street & Piccadilly urban regeneration schemes, Oxford University, Vauxhall Tower, Khabary Future City, Sohar masterplan, East India Dock Road and Ascot Racecourse.
Sandra Weddell, Transport Modelling Manager
Sandra Weddell is the manager of the team providing Transport Modelling for London Underground's (LUL) Transport Planning function at Transport for London (TfL). In Sandra's 6 years at LUL she has led teams of Transport Planners, Engineers and Operational Researchers who model project impacts on passenger Journey Time across the entire LUL network. This includes managing the analysis of pedestrian flows through stations to aid decisions on station design and operation plus the assessing the impact of the planned upgrade of infrastructure and service pattern options which can best meet passenger demand.
Before that in LUL she has led the Modelling and Performance team which included responsibility for measuring the delivery of improvements in Capability and Availability of the infrastructure by the Infracos under the PPP contract.
Previously Sandra work in Performance Analysis for the Strategic Rail Authority to target improving service performance in franchise management and developed methods to assess project benefits for the Rail Performance Fund. Before that Sandra worked for the Government Operational Research Service for ECGD, HM Treasury and PSA specialising in performance measurement, analysis and modelling.
Alan Wenban Smith, Urban and Regional Policy Consultancy
Until 1996 Alan Wenban-Smith worked as a local authority town planner, responsible latterly for planning and transport policy in Birmingham, where he still lives. He also led joint work on planning, transport and economic development in the West Midlands at conurbation and regional scales - in the kinds of voluntary collaboration favoured by the present Government.
As an independent consultant on urban and regional policy issues since then, Alan has continued to focus on the connections between transport and other policy areas. His interest in transport appraisal arises from the need for it to reflect the breadth and strategic importance of the interactions between transport and other activities. He is currently a member of the Policy Committee of the RTPI and Visiting Professor of Planning at Birmingham City University.
Luis (Pilo) Willumsen, Luis Willumsen Consultancy
Luis is a Director of the Luis Willumsen Consultancy and has over 35 years of experience as a consultant, transport planner and academic at Leeds University and University College London. He is an internationally recognised authority in Transport and Traffic modelling. He was a Board Director of Steer Davies Gleave having joined it full-time in 1989 with a special responsibility for technical development. He also played a major role in successfully expanding the company in Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. He is co-author of "Modelling Transport" published by Wiley, now in its fourth edition and is used as reference in most post graduate courses in the field. He regularly acts as either internal or external "peer reviewer" in projects all over the world. Pilo is also Visiting Professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering at University College London.
Nanne van der Zijpp, Tripcast/Modelit
Nanne is founder of Modelit. Modelit specializes in the visualization and validation of traffic data and the computation of traffic performance indicators. Modelit designs, builds and maintains custom made computational software, and operates as a traffic information service provider with the Short Term Traveltime Forecast application Tripcast. The Tripcast model won two successive travel time prediction contests in a row. These contests were organized in the form of field trials on behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Transport in 2008 and 2011. Tripcast is also the basis for an online journey planner www.tripcast.nl that Modelit maintains. Before working at Modelit, Nanne was associate professor at the Technical University of Delft, postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Transport Studies (CTS) at UCL, and PhD researcher in Delft.