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Future Highways 2015
11 June 2015 The KIA

Conference Programme

Please note the event programme is undergoing development and subject to change


Delegate Registration

Tea & Coffee served in the exhibition area

Future Highways: The Challenge

Chaired by: Steve Kent, HMEP Advocate, Future Highways Forum Chair


A new Parliament, a new challenge
Jason Russell, HMEP advocate and assistant director, Highways & Transport, Surrey County Council 


Department for Transport's Future Highways Vision
Graham Pendlebury, director of Local Transport, Department for Transport


The sector responds, and Q&A
Bill Taylor, vice chairman, Highways Term Maintenance Association


Once in a Lifetime: responding to the challenges of highway investment

James Elliott, group director, asset management, WSP Parsons Brinkerhoff


Morning Break

Tea & Coffee served in the networking exhibition area


Future Highways: The Opportunity

Chaired by: Steve Kent, HMEP Advocate, Future Highways Forum Chair

Knowledge Session

An experienced panel shares new learning


How can we make the case for investment in highway maintenance?
John J Collins, Dft’s head of investment and regulatory scrutiny, local economics, on the Department’s study on the Value-for-Money of maintenance spending


How can we measure the efficiency of highway maintenance?
Simon Pinkney, director, Measure2Improve





How can we make our roads resilient and support the economy?

Jonathan Munslow, asset and infrastructure group manager, South Gloucestershire Council and South West Highway Alliance member


Questions & Answers


Comfort break



Panel Pitches Session

An experienced panel makes the case for changing the way we work


Better integration: the Whole Client Service. At what point does integration start delivering real value?

Mike Younghusband, head of highway operations and strategy and Graham Barrow, head of programme planning, Hertfordshire County Council Whole Client Service 


Better collaboration: the Greater Manchester experience
Peter Molyneux, head of highways, Transport for Greater Manchester


Better delivery: wholly-owned companies
Kevin Melling, managing director, Transport Service Solutions 




Better service-sharing and partnering: evaluating services-sharing opportunities 

Simon Wilson, director, Proving Services


Better asset management: 

Chris Dyer, team manager asset management, East Sussex County Council 


Lunch and networking in the exhibition


Future Highways: Solutions

Four workshop sessions run in parallel. 2-3 speakers in each session with Q & A after each speaker.  Each session has a chair / facilitator.  

Delegates choose which session to join from below...

Session 1: London Highways Lab: Lessons from Collaboration

Hosted by TfL: Matt Sercombe, Head of Tunnels and Structures 

An in-depth look at the experience of highways collaboration in London, including discussion to draw out the lessons that we can learn, where next, and how the sector can build on this.


Session 2: Future funding Workshop: Highway maintenance efficiency self-assessment  

Led by Alan Taggart, associate Director of KPMG, on behalf of the Highway Maintenance Efficiency Programme, and Haydn Davies, HMEP programme manager at the Department for Transport

With the introduction of an incentive element to highway maintenance block grant funding allocations from 2016/17, the completion of an anticipated new self-assessment questionnaire will be crucial to future success. A workshop to identify the issues involved ahead of a full trial later this year. 





Session 3: Workshop on service re-design

Facilitated by Kevin Melling, managing director, Transport Service Solutions, along with Ralph Kemp, Corporate Commissioning Manager, Cheshire East Council.

Transport Service Solutions is a newly formed company owned by Cheshire East Council that is focussed upon the commercialisation of Transport Services and one of a group of companies emerging within Cheshire East to facilitate service re-design and promote new ways of working.

With further spending reductions, how can we re-think the way we deliver services and put in place models with a strong business case that will prove both efficient and effective - and stand the test of time?

The purpose of the workshop will be to stimulate debate around alternative delivery models whilst looking for answers to the following fundamental questions that need addressing before any change can be considered, these being:

·         What to change and why?

·         What are your objectives?

·         What is your Business Case and Business Plan?

·         Do you need a company to achieve?

·         What is the best model?



Session 4: Taming the beasts: Data and Engagement

Created by a first-of-its-kind collaborative team who understand the challenges of using data to engage effectively with others, this workshop will provide simple, practical steps to help you create more compelling business cases and secure additional funding.

With demonstrations from Surrey County CouncilYotta and London Borough of Southwark, you'll see what's possible with your data and we'll then together we'll explore practical ways you can use it to engage others, develop robust highways asset strategies and plans, and reduce administrative burdens. 

Facilitators include: Dale Foden (Street Care Manager-Asset Management, London Borough of Southwark), Loulla Woods, (Programme Manager, Surrey County Council), Michael Windmill (Atkins, for Surrey County Council) Paul Middleton, Yotta, and Teresa Jolley (Director at DEFT153 Ltd)'. 



Future Highways: the Way Forward 

Chair: Stephen Fidler, deputy director local transport funding, growth and delivery



Report back from session facilitators, followed by Stephen Fidler: The Outcome of Today and the Way Forward


Ministerial address from Andrew Jones, minister for local and national roads, followed by Q&A


Networking drinks on the Oval roof terrace

Book Online now

*Available for the first 50 delegates exclusively

Exhibitor enquiries: Daniel Simpson, , +44(0)207 091 7861
Conference enquiries: Gemma Mensah, , +44(0)207 091 7865

Published programme subject to change.
All bookings are subject to payment terms

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