Why attend?
The planning, design, management and maintenance of the built environment has a long-term impact upon people and communities. Quality of life, prosperity, health and wellbeing are heavily influenced by the ‘place’ in which people live or work, and by the options they have for moving around.
Urban professionals understand that there is tangible value in civilsed streets and a quality urban realm. Their goal has been to show exactly how this ‘place value’ can be measured through the analysis of key urban design elements such as connectivity and local movement networks, spatial layout, land use distribution and density – and how these factors lead to economic viability.
The characteristics of any place, along with its accessibility and connectivity, determine how likely it is to be popular and economically viable. Whilst many aspects of design such as street widths or building heights are directly measurable, the ‘magic mix’ of a great place is much less tangible. Urban layout, and especially its effects on the social, cultural and economic aspects of community, is one such intangible asset; difficult to visualise and measure during the planning process, but nonetheless crucial to the success of a place.
The event will show how public authorities, business and profesionals can work together to detemine the citical elements that nake better places :
The interface between land use, spatial analyis and transport planning
Shared mobility solutions
The role of placemaking in promoting economic and social value
The impact of driver-assisted technologies and mobility services
The changing role of parking and management of the street-scene
Who should attend?
Better Places will be attended by:
Central, regional and local government officers
Transport and planning consultants
Local authority contract managers
Place management professionals
Active travel professionals
National parking, traffic management and FM contractors
Business process outsourcing companies
Parking and traffic enforcement managers
Leading academics and researchers
Transport planners
Travel plan managers
Cycling experts and suppliers
Automotive sector experts and technologists
Car club operators
Urban designers
Street-scene and community safety managers
Road safety specialists
Town centre managers
CCTV operations managers
Public transport operators
Debt recovery agencies
IT and enforcement hardware providers
Uniform suppliers