14.00Liverpool and Humber Freight Optimisation (LHOFT) Freight flows in England are unbalanced with great reliance on the southern ports, despite the fact that a growing proportion of manufacturing and warehouses are located north of the Midlands. LHOFT will provide a resilient and environmentally-friendly freight network for businesses, ports and logistics services along the M62 corridor and in the North.14.20Intelligent data collection In a time of rapid change in the transport sector, there are many opportunities for improving data collection, processing and compliance.14.40Addressing Congestion Using Telematics Evidence (ACUTE) ACUTE explores the potential for re-purposing archival telematics data to provide an accurate and highly-resolved picture of congestion across the road network: congestion hotspots are accurately pinpointed and this leads to an hour-by-hour forensic examination of congested versus free-flowing traffic. The ability to deploy a data-driven tool will empower traffic management across the UK in their decision making.
15.00A central register of network disruptions and its application to real-time journey planning This talk will discuss the use of large (national scale) and integrated (strategic and local) datasets of current and potential disruptions to traffic, combined with real-time traffic data, to enable network managers and mobility service providers to provide connected vehicles with optimal information about current and predicted future travel conditions.15.20Dundee as a test bed for new transport technology The MILL (Mobility Innovation Living Laboratory) is a new innovation centre aiming to establish Dundee as a real-life test and experimentation environment for smart mobility solutions, encompassing new technologies, business models and regulatory frameworks. It is about delivering positive change to mobility that will improve wellbeing and quality of life, connecting people with services and enhancing economic opportunity for all.
15.40Using Artificial Intelligence to cut the cost of home-to-school transport Demand for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) home-to-school transport is steadily increasing while transport planners are under increasing pressure to find savings in line with budget cuts. To support transport planning software, QRoutes has developed an Artificial Intelligence (AI) module which uses actual local authority data and shows how large savings can be made.16.00A smart simulation platform to develop future mobility solutions Immense have built a cutting-edge, cloud-hosted Simulation-as a-Service platform, enabling both cities and mobility operators to diagnose issues with transport systems, before designing and testing the impact of alternative services in a low risk, digital environment. |
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