SYSTRA Ltd is a leading transport planning and public transport engineering consultancy with over 400 Transport Planning professionals in the UK. The UK is one of SYSTRA’s centres of excellence for transport planning, and modelling. We have been developing transport models for public and private sector clients since 1968. At that time, the focus was on road building, but the huge rise in car ownership in the 1960s intensified the highway issues in the UK. We brought our multi-modal modelling software to assist in the identification of solutions to the UK’s transport issues. In the forty-nine since then, SYSTRA has been at the forefront of transport modelling, strategy development and appraisal. We have made invaluable contributions to best practice and guidance for the development and application of transport models. WebTAG has adopted key changes to UK modelling best practice brought in with the Guidance on Multi-Modal Studies (GOMMS), which we wrote at the turn of the century. At SYSTRA, we have developed and continue to employ complex multi-modal and micro-simulation models across the UK and Ireland. Examples include Transport for Scotland’s LATIS model; city models of London, Manchester, Sheffield, Derby and Nottingham; and regional models of Hampshire and the Republic of Ireland. We also helped to develop the Midlands, Trans-Pennine South, and Northern Regional Models for Highways England. We are currently using transport models to appraise core strategies and major development sites, develop scheme business cases, analyse highway and public transport interventions and predict the transport and Air Quality implications of Clean Air Zones. |
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