

Paramics Discovery is the latest micro-simulation modelling tool developed to assist transport planners, traffic and highway engineers design, evaluate and forecast solutions for their local transport plans or networks. Importantly it provides a simple, easy to use tool for presenting those solutions to busy politicians or even members of the public.

Paramics Discovery can model driver responses for many future transport technologies including ‘Active Traffic Management’, with its in-built capability for analysing many different scenarios. We found this an incredibly useful ‘must have’ as new technologies evolve. For example, you can simulate Active Traffic Management by setting lane and turn restrictions and adjusting vehicle speeds in response to a wide variety of network conditions.

Paramics Discovery offers incredibly fast network construction, streamlined workflow to match your everyday requirements. The ‘dynamic assignment feature’ reflects real- life choice behavior and will enable you to develop large robust microsimulation models.

Paramics Discovery can now automatically analyse multiple simulation runs and you can view the results neatly using a database output and stats tools. The latest version has Windows compatibility and as well as the compulsory easy to use interface.

Our support team have plenty experience in applying the Paramics Discovery software to practical applications. If you need support, we are only too happy to help you discover more! 

Visit us at Modelling World Stand E2, Try Paramics Discovery for FREE at  www.paramics.co.uk or contact Malcolm Calvert

