
Registration for new arrivals/non-residents with tea and coffee served upon arrival


Reflections on day 1

Professor Greg Marsden, Professor of Transport Studies, Institute for Transport Studies , University of Leeds


Morning panel discussion session:

- The forthcoming General Election and its possible ramifications for local transport and transport planning.

- Prof Phil Goodwin, Professor of Transport Policy, University College of London
- Meera Rambissoon, TAS Partnership 
- Neil Chadwick, Director, Steer
- Paul Buchanan, Partner, Volterra
- Paul Hodgins, CEO, Ginger Shared Transport

Session to be followed by Q&A and will be chaired by: Andrew Forster, Editor, Local Transport Today


Refreshment break


Roundtable discussions - part 2

Themed groups continue as on day 1, less the 'Streets for People' and 'Solving mass transit network integration' sessions. Plus two additional roundtable sessions:

Getting serious about tackling air quality? The things you could be implementing now!
Led by Nick Ayland, Director, ITP

Embracing innovation on the road to zero carbon
Led by Ben Morris, Partner, Forty Two



Report back from Round Tables

A Panel including the workshop facilitators to share the findings from the round table discussions over the two days.

Chaired by Peter Stonham, Chairman, Landor LINKS


Developing skills and rebuilding public trust in the transport planning profession
Keith Buchan, Director of Skills, Transport Planning Society


How different is a millenial view?

- David Powell, Transport Planner, West Yorkshire Combined Authority
- Olivia Tracey, Graduate Transport Planner, Peter Brett Associates now part of Stantec
- Alba Rodriguez Fernandez, Graduate Transport Planner, Jacobs
- Alexander Williams, Graduate Transport Planner, WSP

This session will be chaired by Keith Mitchell, Director Community Development & Infrastructure, Peter Brett now part of Stantec


Summing up and the future of the discussion


Lunch and dispersal