Wilson Pym May

Highways consultants, Wilson Pym May Limited (WPM), specialise in highway network and asset management. Delivering short term/outcome based projects and medium term consultancy services, our extensive experience in the highways maintenance industry has provided us with an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the issues and requirements facing engineers today. We are committed to delivering innovative and value adding solutions, utilising modern practices and technology, to ensure our clients receive first class service.

Our qualities were recently recognised by the South West Highways Alliance. We were commissioned to help them (in their partnership with the EA, Climate South West, Climate Ready and the Met Office) to develop HIRAM – the Highways Infrastructure Resilience Assessment Modelling tool. This web and map-based application helps Local Authorities to identify and quantify current and future resilience risks on their highway networks. Reports from HIRAM deliver rankings of risk events and provide rates of return for undertaking remedial rather than reactive works. HIRAM has been so successful that its use has now been adopted by the Eastern Highways Alliance and Leicestershire Council.

Another significant product delivered by WPM is RouteShoot. RouteShoot is the latest innovation in geo-referenced video, route tracking and collaborative working. It is a combination of the RouteShoot smartphone application and a dedicated website, which allows users to share their geo-referenced video with colleagues, customers and other stakeholders. Customers for RouteShoot include the Scottish Office, Wales and West Utilities and the World Bank. RouteShoot can also be integrated with the Pitney Bowes “Confirm” system.
