
The evolution from Carplus Bikeplus, echoes the evolution of shared mobility

CoMoUK is the new name for Carplus Bikeplus, short for Collaborative Mobility it represents the new wider remit of the charity. Over the last 2 years, Carplus developed the sister arm Bikeplus to represent the shared bike sector. Increasingly we are seeing integration between these and new shared modes.

CoMoUK’s vision is to play a leading role in the UK’s transition to integrated mobility solutions designed for the public good. CoMoUK supports the development of shared modes, car clubs, bike share, 2+ ride share, and emerging modes such as “on demand” buses, scooter sharing, to enable mobility lifestyles which present an alternative to private car ownership.

The charity carries out research to illustrate the impacts of the sector, leads on innovative development projects to maximise benefits to all and facilitates the sharing of best practice. In addition CoMoUK offers technical advice and consultancy services.