Bikes and Buses – the missing link in promoting cycling and integrated transport. The bus-racks potential for promoting cycling and active travel.
Carrying bikes on the front of buses is the obvious and visible way to promote cycling. Most of the buses in North America are now fitted with versions of the 2 or 3 bike Sportworks rack, now joined by cities in Australia and New Zealand. These are popular with tourist and leisure cyclists, commuters, students, shoppers, or simply as a re-assurance measure – bad weather or an emergency. They also have a great marketing value.
This presentation will be a summary of the current position, and the potential for cities around the UK.
Peter Davenport, Director, Bikes On Buses & Adam Reynolds, Chair, Bath Cycle Campaign
WEGO Couriers
WEGO Couriers are the market leaders for future city logistics and have been developing a shared user network. Which is now represented as part of a Last Mile Logistic pilot for the European H2020 project. Since 1998 WEGO couriers have been protecting our future cities by providing a carbon neutral delivery solution to Nottingham and, more recently, Leicester and London. Our fleet of electric vehicles and cargo bicycles deliver a variety of items within the city environment and nationally by utilising secure space on passenger trains for a faster, more efficient delivery method that reduces carbon emissions, not only in the city centre, but on a national scale.
Helen Brewin, General Manager, WEGO Couriers
Improving Leicester’s online Journey Planner: Identifying missing local foot and cycle paths via community group street surveys and mapping parties
Leicester’s Air Quality Walking Project aims to eliminate gaps in the mapping of local footpaths and cycle routes on Open Street Map. This will improve the data which feeds the city and county council’s online Journey Planner (see www.choosehowyoumove.co.uk/jp/), making this tool more useful to the public when planning their journeys by bike or on foot. Supported by trained volunteers, this project will run a series of community group walks to survey selected areas of the city. It will also establish mapping groups to implement the necessary foot/cycle path updates to the Leicester area on Open Street Map. By encouraging members of the community to survey their local area on foot, we aim to encourage participants to walk more often.
Sara Coy, Active Travel Training Coordinator (Walking), Leicester City Council