Why attend Cycle City Active City Newcastle?
There has never been a better time for cycle and walking infrastructure and development. The original £94m Cycle Ambition Grant launched in 2013 has received match-funding to take it to almost £200m. This has now been extended, with £114m announced at the end of 2014.
The Infrastructure Bill now mandates that Active Travel infrstruture needs to receive as much consideration as major projects such as HS2 or road-building.
With £2.7bn of ring-fenced funding for public health now devolved to local authorities, and the benefits of getting people active widely accepted, there is a major opportunity for active travel projects to gain funding from this sector.
This year's host, Newcastle, is one of the Cycle Ambition Grant cities, with over £11m of funding for cycling from the initial Cycle Ambition Grant. They have an extremely ambitious cycle plan, targetting over 20% of all trips under five miles to be made by bicycle in the city by 2020. The North East is also one of the leading regions in terms of public health and active travel projects. This event is linked with the the Public Health Faculty Conference taking place on the 23 and 24 June before at the Sage Gateshead